The MAG 5000/6000 are microprocessor-based transmitters with a build-in alphanumeric display in several languages. The transmitters evaluate the signals from the associated electromagnetic sensors and also fulfil the task of a power supply unit which provides the magnet coils with a constant current. The MAG 5000/6000 flowmeters are suitable for measuring the flow of almost all electrically conductive liquids, pastes and slurries. For demanding applications for which the advantage of high functionality and precise capability is necessary the MAG 5000/6000 is the best choice. The mounting kit for remote transmitter mounting on a 35 mm DIN-rail allows the installation in an electrical cabinet. Main applications:
Download: Transmitter MAG 5000/6000 Mounting Kit for mounting on a DIN-rail Inquiry Sheet |
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The F M MAG 6000 I/Ex d Industry transmitter is designed for the demands in the process industry. The robust die cast aluminium housing provides superb protection, even in the most harsh industrial environments. Full input and output functionality is given even in the Ex version. Download: Transmitter MAG 6000 I/ 6000 I Ex d Inquiry Sheet |
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Designed for the general industry environment. The obstructionless performance of the MAG 1100 is unaffected by the suspended solids, viscosity and temperature challenges. The main applications of the F M electromagnetic flow sensors can be found in the following fields:
Download: Flow Sensor MAG 1100 Inquiry Sheet |
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The electromagnetic sensor F M MAG 1100 Food is designed to meet applications in the food and beverage industry. The main applications of the SITRANS F M electromagnetic sensors can be found in the following fields:
Download: Flow Sensor MAG 1100 Food Inquiry Sheet |
The flow measuring principle is based on Faradays law of electromagnetic induction were the sensor converts the flow into an electrical voltage proportional to the velocity of the flow. The F M MAG 5100 W is an electromagnetic flow sensor designed to meet ground water, drinking water, waste water, sewage or sludge applications. The main applications of the SITRANS F M can be found in the following fields:
Sensor MAG 5100 W Inquiry Sheet |
The MAG 3100 is an electromagnetic flow sensor in a large variety that meets the demands of almost every flow application. The flow measuring principle is based on Faradays law of electromagnetic induction were the sensor converts the flow into an electrical voltage proportional to the velocity of the flow. The main applications of the MAG 3100 electromagnetic flow sensors can be found in the following fields:
Download: Flow Sensor MAG 3100 Flow Sensor MAG 3100 P Inquiry Sheet |
The transmitter Transmag 2 is a pulsed alternating field magnetic flow meter where the magnetic field strength is much higher than conventional DC pulsed magnetic flow meters. The flow sensor 911/E is applicable in connection with transmitter Transmag 2. The Transmag 2 is a microprocessor-based transmitter with a build-in alphanumeric display in several languages. The transmitters evaluate the signals from the associated electromagnetic sensors and also fullfil the task of a power supply unit which provides the magnet coils with a constant current. The magnetic flux density in the sensor is additionally monitored by reference coils. This makes it ideal for difficult applications like:
Transmitter Transmag 2 with Sensor 911/E Inquiry Sheet |
MAG 8000 is a battery powered electromagnetic water meter designed according to the global water meter standard OIML R49 and the European CEN EN 14154. The meter fulfills the special customer demands to water applications within abstraction, distribution network, revenue metering as well as irrigation. All functionalities integrated in one meter to optimize water supply and use of highly scanty resources. MAG 8000 is a comprehensive meter which intelligent information and high performance measurement as well as the easy to install concept take cost of owner ship and customer service to a new level for water meter. Features like 6 years maintenance-free battery-powered operation and no moving parts provide long-term accuracy measurement. Download: Water Meter MAG 8000 Inquiry Sheet |
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